
Administrating MedicinesDownload
Adverse WeatherDownload
Alcohol and Drug Abuse PolicyDownload
Allegations Against a Staff MemberDownload
Bottle FeedingDownload
Child on Child AbuseDownload
Children’s RecordsDownload
Children’s Rights and EntitlementsDownload
Complaints ProcedureDownload
Confidentiality Agreement StaffDownload
Data ProtectionDownload
Data Protection Privacy NoticeDownload
Disciplinary ProcedureDownload
EYFS PolicyDownload
First Aid PolicyDownload
Flexible Work Application FormDownload
Food and DrinkDownload
Food HygieneDownload
General Emergency ProceduresDownload
Grievance ProcedureDownload
Headlice PolicyDownload
Health and Safety General StandardsDownload
Induction of Staff, Volunteers and ManagersDownload
Internet Safety and Acceptable Use PolicyDownload
Lone WorkerDownload
Looked After ChildrenDownload
Loss or Damage to PropertyDownload
Maintaining Children’s Safety and Security on PremisesDownload
Managing Children who are Sick, Infectious or with AllergiesDownload
Missing Child Policy StatementDownload
Money Matters and Late Collection PolicyDownload
Nappy Changing PolicyDownload
No Smoking No VapingDownload
Out of School Club Policy and ProceduresDownload
Parental InvolvementDownload
Physical InterventionDownload
Policy and Procedure for Checking the Identity of VisitorsDownload
Promoting Positive BehaviourDownload
Provider RecordsDownload
Recording and Reporting of Accidents and IncidentsDownload
Responsible I.T. UseDownload
Safeguarding Policy 2024Download
Sanitising and Disinfecting ResourcesDownload
Sleep and Rest PolicyDownload
Staff SicknessDownload
Staff TrainingDownload
Sun PolicyDownload
Supervision of Children on Outings and VisitsDownload
The Role of the Keyperson and Settling InDownload
Transfer of Records to School or SettingDownload
Uncollected ChildrenDownload
Use of Mobile Phones and CamerasDownload
Valuing Diversity and Promoting EqualityDownload
Weaning PolicyDownload
Whistle Blowing PolicyDownload